High-precision DateTime object example


new smartUtilities.DateTime(1920, 3, 12, 8, 34, 21, 89, 19, 800, 2, 333, 18, 45, 11);

Alternative initialization:

new smartUtilities.DateTime('1920-03-12 08:34:21:089:019:800:002:333:018:045:011');

format 'FP' - full precision (from year to yoctoseconds (10−24 seconds)):

format 'FT' - full precision time (from hours to yoctoseconds (10−24 seconds)):

format 'PP' - processor precision (from year to picoseconds (10−12 seconds)):

format 'PT' - processor precision time (from hours to picoseconds (10−12 seconds)):

custom format 'fff:uu:nn' - milliseconds:microseconds:nanoseconds:

Increase microseconds by 1 Decrease yoctoseconds by 2 Set to now